Plant Origin Exhibition

On display at the Centro Sebrae de Referência do Artesanato Brasileiro (CRAB), at Praça Tiradentes, downtown Rio, was the exhibition Vegetal Origin, curated by Adélia Borges and Jair de Souza, featuring handicrafts made from vegetable raw materials from all Brazilian states. The last room, Chuva Vegetal, is a partnership between curator Jair de Souza and Monica Carvalho, where all of Brazil’s biodiversity was shown with strips created at Ateliê Monica Carvalho & Klaus Schineider, in a room designed by Jair. Sensory, impactful and surprising, the room is one of the highlights of the exhibition. The team at Ateliê Monica Carvalho & Klaus Schneider wants to invite everyone to enjoy the exhibition and experience the Chuva Vegetal room.

The exhibition took place in April 2016 but you can see how it turned out in the video below.